Thursday, September 25, 2014

Troubleshooting discontinuities

This tutorial covers how to troubleshoot and repair discontinuities in a polysurface. This video was made to specifically help a user who wanted to maintain the form of a model while achieving better continuity between surface edges.

Here's the before file if you'd like to follow along with these steps: Troubleshooting_Discontinuity.3dm

The Rhino forum can be found here

Friday, September 5, 2014

Creating labels and tabs with PanelingTools

In this tutorial, learn how to use the PanelingTools plugin for Rhino to create a nested array of panels while also adding labels and tabs for assembly.

This tutorial requires the most recent release of PanelingTools for Rhino dated September 4, 2014, and also uses a single stroke font, both of which are available at